Mil-Writers Guild Announces 2018 "Why We Write" Anthology

Independent publisher Middle West Press LLC, in partnership with Military Writers Guild, seeks 750- to 2,000-word personal, creative, craft, and/or research essays for a 200+ page trade paperback anthology to be published in September 2018.

Deadline is Jan. 15, 2018. Submissions can be made electronically via Submittable here:

The working title and theme of the anthology is “Why We Write,” and will regard how individual military-writing practitioners promote professional and/or popular discourse, while engaging audiences and creating communities through military topics, themes, milieu, or history.

Established in 2015, Military Writers Guild is an international group of writers who “advocate, collaborate, and promote” military writing in all its forms, including literary and genre fiction, non-fiction, poetry, journalism, and more.

“MWG's mission has always been about fostering high-quality writing about the military and war in whatever form a writer might practice. But just as important is critically thinking and talking about the craft itself. By working with Middle West Press in the solicitation and promotion of this anthology project, we hope to advance in both of those goals," says Adin Dobkin, the recently elected president of the Military Writers Guild.

Middle West Press LLC is an independent micro-press that publishes from 1 to 4 books annually, with international distribution via on-line booksellers and select bookstores. It has previously published “Reporting for Duty” (2016), a 668-page collection of text and photo journalism from the 2010-2011 Afghan Surge; and two books of 21st century war poetry, “Welcome to FOB Haiku” (2015) by Randy Brown and “Hugging This Rock” (2017) by Eric Chandler. Brown and Chandler are each members of the Military Writers Guild.

Editors of the anthology seek both new and previously published work. Authors must validate that they hold copyrights to the work(s) submitted.

The publisher will request non-exclusive worldwide print and digital rights for the anthology, along with sufficient rights for the Military Writers Guild to feature and/or excerpt selected work on the organization's website and social media. Please indicate in cover letter any previous published appearance(s), whether in print or on-line, of a submitted work. A signed copyright agreement will be required for publication.

Contributors will receive compensation in the form of one contributor’s copy each (print or e-book).

Manuscripts should be Microsoft Word (.DOC) format; double-spaced; 12-point Times New Roman. Photographs, diagrams, and other artwork can be placed into the file.

Manuscripts should include name, postal address, and e-mail in a cover letter or page. Avoid placing information identifying the author on other pages.

Contributors should include 75-word biographical statement, written in third-person, in cover letter.

Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but editors request notification if a submission is later selected to appear elsewhere.

Submissions to this anthology likely to be successful include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussions of research, writing, and/or publishing as a craft, particularly in a given genre or mode of communication. Examples: Military science-fiction; poetry; speech writing; blogging; professional & academic journals; etc.
  • Descriptions of concrete techniques in researching, writing, reading, and publishing that may be used by other military writers. Examples: Translating military jargon for poetry audiences; How to realistically depict diversity in the ranks.
  • Discussions of mutual gaps in understanding among civil and military communities, and ways to address the through the practice and performance of written work.
  • Explorations of historically notable military writers and/or texts. While Sun Tzu, Homer, and Clausewitz will, no doubt, be present in the anthology, the anthology's editors encourage consideration of voices and works less frequently cited.
  • Analysis of trends or sub-genres in "military writing," such as military-spouse blogs; "space marine" epics; military thrillers; poems about drones; comic books and cartoons about military life, etc.
  • Stories of success (or failure) illustrating mentorship, professional development, and/or personal growth in the practice of military writing.


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