Journal Names 2020 Wright Award-winners

Editors of Chicago-based non-profit literary journal Line of Advance have announced the winning entries for the 5th Annual Col. Darron L. Wright Memorial Writing Awards . The awards annually recognize excellence in prose and poetry by U.S. military service members and veterans—and, starting this year, military family members. Cash prizes of $250, $150, and $100 are awarded in each category. Katey Schultz , the author of the award-winning flash-fiction collection Flashes of War , and the Afghan War novel Still Come Home, served as the distinguished guest judge for the 2020 Wright Awards. “Our journal proudly serves as a leading venue for the best of ‘veterans-lit,’ with works by men and women who have served in all uniforms and in all eras,” says U.S. Army veteran Christopher Lyke, editor of Line of Advance . “We are grateful to the record-breaking number of veterans and family members who shared their prose and poetry with us this year, an...