Middle West Press Names Lisa Stice as Associate Editor

Middle West Press LLC , a veteran-owned, Iowa-based provider of writing, editorial, and editorial-management services—as well as an independent book publisher—has named Lisa Stice as an associate editor . Plans call for Stice to collaborate with the press on an undetermined number of projects in the 2023-2024 publishing season, including making editorial selections for a soon-to-be-announced anthology of military-themed prose and poetry . Founded in 2002 as a freelance writing, editing, and editorial-management provider often serving architecture and design, home technology, and building constructio n magazines, in 2015 the business expanded operations to become an independent micro-publisher of print-on-demand trade paperback and e-books. When producing books under its imprint, Middle West Press is a traditional-model publisher —not a “hybrid,” “author-subsidized,” or “vanity” press. Authors do not pay for services. Projects are solicited and selected on lit...