Middle West Press Names Lisa Stice as Associate Editor

Middle West Press LLC
, a veteran-owned, Iowa-based provider of writing, editorial, and editorial-management services—as well as an independent book publisher—has named Lisa Stice as an associate editor. 

Plans call for Stice to collaborate with the press on an undetermined number of projects in the 2023-2024 publishing season, including making editorial selections for a soon-to-be-announced anthology of military-themed prose and poetry.
Founded in 2002 as a freelance writing, editing, and editorial-management provider often serving architecture and design, home technology, and building construction magazines, in 2015 the business expanded operations to become an independent micro-publisher of print-on-demand trade paperback and e-books.

When producing books under its imprint, Middle West Press is a traditional-model publisher—not a “hybrid,” “author-subsidized,” or “vanity” press. Authors do not pay for services. Projects are solicited and selected on literary merit. To date, the press has produced a dozen books and e-books.

Middle West Press also administers The Aiming Circle community of practice, an on-line resource for writers of military themes and topics.
We’re excited by this opportunity to more formally and directly collaborate with Lisa Stice as an editor, as well as a writer,” says Middle West Press founder Randy Brown. “She is a celebrated and talented poet, and is uniquely qualified to help us in our efforts to illuminate and complicate the narratives of military veterans, service members, and family.
Stice is the author of the poetry collections Uniform (Aldrich Press, 2016), Permanent Change of Station (Middle West Press, 2018), FORCES (Middle West Press, 2021), and the poetry chapbook Desert (Prolific Press, 2018). Her work appears widely in literary journals and anthologies worldwide, the latter including Beyond the Hill (Lost Tower Publications, 2017); and Nuclear Impact: Broken Atoms in Our Hands (Shabda Press, 2017).
Stice’s poem “Pursuit” was the 2020 military-family category poetry winner in the Col. Darron L. Wright Memorial Writing Awards, administered annually by the Chicago-based literary journal Line of Advance.
Stice is a poetry editor for Inklette Magazine, and often serves as an editor and mentor with other writing organizations and non-profits. The poet holds a Bachelor of Arts in English literature from Mesa State College (now Colorado Mesa University), Grand Junction, Colorado, and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and Literary Arts from the University of Alaska, Anchorage.
She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband, daughter, and a beloved Norwich Terrier named Seamus.
You can learn more about her on-line at: lisastice.wordpress.com
Or follow her on Facebook and Twitter: @LisaSticePoet

For more information on Middle West Press: www.middlewestpress.com

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