War Poetry Postcard Project
Launching in early 2025, the purpose of the War Poetry Postcard Project (WPPP) is to celebrate and promote the work of contemporary poets in illuminating and communicating the effects of military service and armed conflict on service members, veterans, family, and others.
Each year, the project identifies one or more poems to publish and distribute as postcard-sized prints. Through this unique opportunity and medium, the publisher hopes to encourage both poets and readers to regularly connect through correspondence, reflection, and mutual witness.
Poems are selected on merit by a committee of editors and past participants. Participants receive compensation for their works.
Due to the 4x6-inch dimensions of a standard U.S. postcard, poems submitted for consideration must be no more than 26 lines (including line-spaces) in length. Shorter-length lines are also preferred.
The War Poetry Postcard Project is underwritten and administered by Middle West Press LLC.
Stay tuned for information on how you can submit new or previously published poems for consideration for the 2025 War Poetry Postcard Project!